Blog: Babigloo Online Session for Forest Forge Theatre Co.
As part of their Half Term programming across age groups the lovely folk at Forest Forge Theatre Co. asked us to run a Babigloo music for Babies session online. It was February 2016 when we launched Babigloo founded by Jenny Gordon, having worked with Professor Paulo Lamiero and team from the Sociedade Artística Musical dos Pousos (SAMP) in Portugal. So it was great to celebrate 5 years of working with the youngest babies (0-12 months), our collaboration with many professional musicians, Music Hubs, Children’s Centres in BCP Council and East Dorset and various funding organisations.
The reason why we love bringing music to babies is that when a baby holds your eye gaze the whole world is crystallised in that moment. The beautiful music we make, the props we use, the sense of community that is built over our 9 week programmes and shows. The small things that nature provides - a butterfly, a snowflake, the song of a bird or the rustle of leaves in a tree, all the world feeds us and helps us to grow and understand more. We like going to classical music concerts, being challenged by contemporary music and jazz, we love to hop and skip to folk music and getting down to a disco beat. But we also love the awe and wonder that can be found in silence.
We were absolutely honoured to host the wonderful Babigloo-Music for Babies this morning, who delivered an amazing online musical extravaganza for babies, joined by the lovely Claire from CHJ Music Poole on cello! It was incredible to see the babies become so animated and respond to the different sounds created- what an adorable way to finish our jam packed half term week!
You can read about our Youth Music funded programmes on the Babigloo Youth Music Network Blog site: Independent Evaluation Report May 2019 and our Emergency Fund Online sessions and ‘Round the World’ Online sessions
We’re looking at future developments for what we do at Babigloo and hope to work with Forest Forge in the future. Tel: 07885535676
Composite photo of Babigloo Music for Babies by Jo Billingham at FF
Using proper wood beaters to keep a steady beat.
Claire jones from GHJ Music playing beautiful Cello pieces by Bach, Gardiner and ‘Re-write the Stars’ from the The Greatest Showman
‘Meme’ and feathers.
Yom, Yom scales.
Dancing with stars, each one has a little bell in (‘tinkle tinkle’)